Want World Peace?
Do you think the “new age” will inherently bring world peace? Are you waiting for the politicians to finally agree? Do you think we’ll achieve peace when all of those other people, in all of those other countries, decide to stop arguing amongst themselves? World peace is an expression of our collective stability, and collective stability depends on individual stability. Who we are is a direct function of how we nurture and care for our bodies. Said another way... Cleaning up our bodies is a prerequisite for achieving world peace.
We do not get enough exercise. Overeating, eating late at night, and eating too many different foods at the same meal impedes digestion. Most of us have “absorption problems” leaving our bodies nutrient deficient. We believe that prescription drugs hold the answers to our problems when, in fact, they are a major cause.
Antibiotics kill beneficial intestinal bacteria enabling “bad” bacteria to thrive. Parasites are a bigger problem than most people realize. Chronic disease is so prevalent that it is held as acceptable and normal. Mercury from dental amalgams, and fluoride in water treatment, poison us.
Phthalates from plastic bottles leach into drinking water. Vaccinations leave us vulnerable instead of protected. We take in toxic chemicals through smoking, alcohol consumption, and in cosmetics. We use toxic chemicals to treat our crops, clean our homes, melt the snow, and “block” our skin from sunlight. Jetliner fuel is jettisoned over our farmlands and homes, and frequent flyers get frequent radiation. We over-use x-rays. Industrial air pollution chokes us, and we have become walking filters for environmental contaminates.
Crops are genetically modified. Soils lack beneficial nutrients. Meats and poultry are injected with chemicals, and fish absorb water pollution. Coffee is an acidic diuretic. Foods have “empty” calories, and are nutritionally bankrupt. Fast and junk foods are one-way tickets to future illness.
We process and cook the life-force right out of our foods. Pasteurization and cooking kill life-sustaining enzymes. Food irradiating defies common sense. Chemicals leach into microwaved foods from plastic packaging.
Our foods contain pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, larvicides, molluscosides, fertilizers, appetite and growth stimulants, stabilizers, preservatives, synthetics, additives, detergents, artificial flavorings and dyes, hormones, estrogens, steroids, anesthetics, parasites, fungi, yeast, molds, bacteria, plastics, metals, drug residues, industrial chemicals, radiation, and other assorted toxins and poisons.
All of this “body pollution” compromises our immune systems, contributes to obesity and causes diseases. To top it all, we’ve developed a mass-market food production/distribution system that is more dedicated to shelf life than to human life.
Is it any surprise that we are in poor health? All of this turmoil directly affects our thinking processes, decision making, interactions, our very consciousness, and the entirety of the results we produce in life.